Contest! *Try a New Food*

Please share your favorite adventure! Tell us about a young person in your life who is a picky eater, how he or she finally tried a new food, only eats something a certain way, or has a quirky food preference. The winner will receive a FREE signed copy of Try a New Food.

Contest closes May 31, 2009.


Nice lady in the brown boots said...

Maria-Arlene is 17 months old and likes juice. She is very particular about how it is presented. She will not drink it from a cup. She will not drink it from a bottle. She will only drink it from a straw in the original juice box.

Dennis John Hart said...

I don't like my food to touch on the plate.

I also know of another person who eats pizza layer by layer (each topping, cheese, then crust) and eats the food on her plate one area at a time.

John Hart

Jessica Lopez said...

I am someone that eats one thing at a time. I always have...when I was younger at Thanksgiving I would take one thing and put it on my plate, and when I finished I would get something else.

mel said...

my daughter Bella will not eat olives, green beans, carrots, cheese, or potatoes off her plate.. she has to mix them in something. If there are avacadoes she will eat all of those first. before touching anything else. if she doesnt like somethng she pushes it out of her mouth with j=her lips barely open like she is disgusted.