Piggy Tales Press is E X P A N D I N G!

Great news! Piggy Tales Press is seeking your writing submissions! We want to put together a collection of your inspirational moments about how an animal inspired you to think about God. Were there prayers for a lost or sick pet? Did an animal reflect God's love for mankind? Was a prayer for a pet answered? The theme is what I call "gently Christian" in a non-denominational style. The stories will hopefully be grouped by animal types- cat stories, dog stories, etc. There are similar books on the market with collections of stories people submitted. These need to be original because even though the format is similar, the content will be unique. Please write if you have any questions or to submit.

Piggy Tales Press is seeking submissions of poems to add to our website. If you have a collection of poems you've always wanted to publish, please contact us for more details. Adult's or children's poem will be considered as long as they are in good taste.

**Piggy Tales Press reserves the right to edit or reject submissions**

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